
Wendy - 2005-06-07 18:28:35
OMG! How cute!!! I just saw a tv news special about being able to tell what kind of 'guy' your man is by the dog he owns.

Retriever owners are sports dudes - love water - 'guy's guy'
Mutt owners are the 'renaissance men' down to earth, make great dads and don't care about pedigree (This is Andy)
Bulldog owners are immature
Boxer owners are sweet and sensitive
Rottweiler owners are bossy
Poodle owners are sophisticated and pampered men
Greyhound owners are fiercely independent
Erin - 2005-06-07 18:42:36
Lord only knows that it says about a man who owns a Pug. To Joe's credit though, he didn't pick it out, it was a friend of a friend kind of thing who bought the dog and then freaked. Joe didn't even know what a Pug was until he got Sully. He wasn't that happy at first and would have rather inherited an English Bulldog. (Looks up to the list above...hee!). Of course, he know loves the hell out of that little dog, who, by the way, does not have an alcohol problem. Yet.
Kim (aka GA Kim) - 2005-06-07 19:04:15
Yeah! Erin has her own go girlfriend! Thanks for letting me know, I'll be checking in 'wich cha. My oldest daughter is at camp for a week, so I'm l-o-n-e-l-y :( Tell Joe that his Sully is a real cutie-pie! Love ya!
Danielle - 2005-06-07 19:59:18
See, now, I didn't even know Joe had a dog! I friggin' LOVE Pugs! My parents have two English Bulldogs. One is the stupidest animal on earth and the other is the most vicious. That's what inbreeding will do over hundreds of years.
Pat - 2005-06-07 21:03:39
Awww, I could kiss that little sad face right on the mouth. Can you tell I'm a real dog lover?
Cyndee - 2005-06-07 23:27:59
Hey, great job on the site, Kiddo! I love little Sullivan, too. What eyes! Are they really blue, or was it just the light?
Lisa - 2005-06-08 17:51:21
Gosh, I love that cute little face. My SIL has own several pugs...Pugsley (how original, huh?) Coco....and now she has LuLu and Bruno (who is a black pug), African-American?

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