
Danielle - 2005-06-09 18:25:08
Awwwwwwww! That is the sweetest thing I've ever read! Also, you both have excellent taste in shoes, which counts for a lot. I heart the Erbin!
Jinx - 2005-06-09 19:23:42
You are both so blessed (and Clay Aiken had a hand in it) to be such good friends! I feel blessed just to KNOW the Erbin. xoxo
Lisa - 2005-06-09 20:52:32
Jeez, you got me all teary-eyed and I'm not even like that! I wish I lived close to you guys so badly! But there's something about the Erbinisa, Liserbin, Binliser that just doesn't have the same ring to it. I love you both so much!
Erin - 2005-06-10 00:55:13
Lisa, you don't know what I give to have you live nearby. I'd give up all 6 of my Clay Aiken concerts this summer. Half of my shoe collection. 3/4 of my purse collection. And ice cream. Not sherbert, mind you, but ice cream, yes. I think the Erbinisa sounds sexy.
Kim - 2005-06-10 01:36:33
I can just hear Robin's sweet voice as she wrote those words to you. You two are truly blessed to have each other; a friendship like yours doesn't happen too often. And speaking of Oprah...I'll look for your "How Clay Aiken Brought Us Together" story soon! Maybe on, oh, I don't know, Howard Stern..."How Clay Aiken Became The Meat in the Erbin Samich!"
Suzy - 2005-06-10 13:07:48
*sniff* - how beautiful. Pure love. I wish I had what you two have. Even just one day of it would suffice.
erBIN - 2005-06-10 17:35:10
Damn, there you go again...making me love you more than I already do! All I can say is, thank God my husband loves you as much as I do...I'd hate to think what would happen if he made me pick between the 2 of you...I mean, I'd have to split the kids and the cat with him...and just think what a mess that would make! I love you Erin Elizabeth Lee!

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