
Wendy - 2005-07-18 09:21:19
Awww .. love you too honey!

Danielle - 2005-07-18 10:16:01
Awwwww! I loved this recap! And I'm glad to hear you are working on your gag reflex! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm so happy you had a good weekend, Erin! You definitely deserved a weekend to wind down with your girls! I wish I could have been there to share in the fun!
Jill - 2005-07-18 10:49:36
Awwwww. You told the story great. Really one of the funnest weekends EVAH!!! Thank you guys soooo much for having us!! It was a HOOT!!!! Can't wait to do it again. : ) xoxoxoxoxo
Karen - 2005-07-18 10:57:33
I'm so glad I decided to turn Jill's computer on before I head off to Hobby Lobby (yes, I think I can actually walk up to the cash with those lamps) pride goeth the way of your frozen pop tart. *g* What a treat to find your recap this morning, ! It was fun, wasn't it? Like Jannet has a habit of saying, "God, I love this life."
Nelle - 2005-07-18 11:14:55
Thanks for the great recap and pix, Erin!

I loved talkin to y'all.
Robin - 2005-07-18 16:39:42
*sniff* I think the recaps get to me more than the actual goodbyes! I can't decide what I enjoyed the more, having 6 sexy as hell wimmens in my house at one time OR having Clay Aiken in the family room while Keith Urban was in the living room! Yes... I do love this life!

Now I am off to practice MY gag reflex! I can't let Erin get too far ahead of me! ;-()
Pat - 2005-07-18 18:58:10
Well damn, I wish I had been there. What a great world we have all found ourselves in...Sometimes I feel a little like Alice in Wonderland. Great recap, thanks for sharing. I'm loving your site, by the way!
jannet - 2005-07-18 22:16:21
This has been the BEST LIFE I've had out of my last eight... and you know what they say about going out with a BANG! But this one is just rawkin so far!!! (Except for the plane stuff that seems to so constantly plague me.)

Erin, love your site! Love your pics! Love you gurrl! LOVE you ALL! And I am feeling such an urge for simultaneous, multiple orgasms with the bunch of you. Would that be weird???

I was just too shy to suggest going for it Saturday night. **slaps fist to forehead**

BTW... my hair magically started cooperating this morning. haha

Is this HTML? If not... haha again.
Robin - 2005-07-19 07:30:51 mean we DIDN'T all simultaneously have multiple orgasisms Saturday night??? Crap... now I feel foolish!
Wendy - 2005-07-19 08:52:53

Kim - 2005-07-20 07:48:24
Robin, If you've got Clay in the family room and Keith in the living room, can I service Con on the service porch? Mmmkay! Great pics, great recap and the bestest broads around. Thanks Erin Lee!

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