
Glen - 2005-10-20 08:44:27
He sounds really neat....and strikingly handsome too! Weird thing again, I put this in my Blog last night. I guess great minds DO think alike! Later! The Lost�and Found, GlenRamsey
Erin - 2005-10-20 12:10:11
Robin - 2005-10-22 08:41:50
Can I have one of those Glen Ramsey's? Afterall, it IS my birthday.
Erin - 2005-10-22 09:45:55
Girl, you're birthday was two days ago! Stop being so greedy. I might let you borrow him though, if he's agreeable.
Robin - 2005-10-23 08:43:39
Hey, what happen to that "share and share alike" thing we also have?! (is that even how the damn saying goes)
Kim - 2005-10-23 13:10:27
'Tis a small world, isn't it? How great that you met up with Glen! After Robin get's one Glen Ramsey, pass him this way please. I'm not too far from y'all, after all. And big birfday wishes to Robin and Wendella! May all your wishes come true. Hugs to all and Glen, nice to *meet* you. :)
WENDY THE LATE ONE!!! - 2005-10-25 08:40:59
Omg .. I just saw this! Where have I been????

Thank you and I loves y'all beyond anything reasonable and sane as well ... *muahs* back atcha!!!

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