
Wendy - 2005-11-02 18:25:25
HAHAHAHA ... you make me want to watch a show I have never laid eyes on! And my first thought when I saw that boy in the first pic .. was "oh my lord - he looks like BRETT!!"

I wonder if young master Brian loves Cotton Candy???
Kat - 2005-11-02 18:29:33
Erin, I can't believe you didn't comment on DJ's spandex top last night! And his little nips showing through at the end! I loved how when everyone else was wearing tank tops and shorts in Costa Rica, he had on a turtleneck and a slim fitting very stylish sweater. Hmmm, talkative, screams like a girl, AND wears too many shirts....
Kat - 2005-11-02 18:30:16
Wendy, you have to watch. He is SO Brett-like. He's said like 3 words over 8 episodes.
Melissa - 2005-11-02 18:42:56
Oh damn you, I was just coming here to talk about those little nips and tits through that spandex blouse!
Erin - 2005-11-02 18:52:37
Hahahahaha! I almost said something about the spandex top, but was afraid I was going to get bitch slapped as it was for just admitting that I'm secretly crushing on D.J., too.

God bless spandex tops and little nipples.

Hurmph. Maybe that's what the Weavers should start praying about. They sent me over the edge last night making fun of the Paolos.
Kat - 2005-11-02 19:05:45
Oh, the Weavers can rot in hell. Hell, btw, is an eternity of listening to the Godawfulsky sisters screech.
Pam - 2005-11-02 19:31:19
OMG! The editing has totally got to me! I freakin' love the Paulos now, and I hated them at the start. Don't tell anyone, but I shed a little tear when Mama and DJ did the tandem bungee jump.

Little Brian is a cutie-pie. That was funny when he was sent out to ask for directions last night, and tried valiantly to use four words in quick succession, as in "a full sentence."

My son likes the shirt that DJ was wearing last night, but not because he thought he looked hawt. He just thinks that UnderArmour is the best.brand.evah. I thought I'd get him some for his birthday, but it's like over $60.00 just for the spandex t-shirt.

The Weavers make me seriously ill.
Lisa - 2005-11-02 19:46:38
Wheeeeee! I love the Paolos sooo much too. LBFthePaolos anyone? LBFBP? LBFDJP?

*screeches to a halt*

*backs up*

BP? Brian Paolo? Brett Parker???

OMG! Am I the last one to notice this??? Probably so.

Oh, and I seriously shed a tear when little Carissa was trying to hard to not cry.

Kim - 2005-11-02 20:48:40
Thanks I don't watch enough reality t.v.! Guess I can make time in my *ahem* busy schedule for one more. Speaking of reality, ever watch Cris Angel? He is gorgeous and he does tend to freak my mind (body and soul) a bit. Check him out, if you haven't already. Hugs. P.S. Brian is a cutie patootie. Rrraaawwwrrr.
Erin - 2005-11-02 21:21:13
Oh my goodness! I am going to have to huggle all of you closely against my bosoms! Yay for all us liking the Paolo's!

Lisa, OMG, I didn't make the BP connection! Freaky.

Carissa broke my heart last night, too.

And yay for the Weaver hate!!!

Kim, I've never heard of this Cris Angel. It's a reality show? Hmm, must go google.

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