
Robin - 2006-01-02 13:00:18
Isn't it grand when the WOMAN you LOVE most in the world...loves the MEN you LOVE most in the world....I don't know about the rest of you but it makes me weepy and horny all at the same time. And just think...we get to start the year off right... Gay Cowboys and the boys from Rent! Life is good Erin Lee! Life is real good!
Wendy - 2006-01-03 18:37:15
Heee .. Jody sure is a doll baby ... and Connie and AFed - although he still looks like my nephew - that Artem is a cutie too!
Suzy - 2006-01-05 15:15:09
Yeah, OK, where do I sign up for this reality show hot guy chat room? Cuz I've never exactly been a one man woman you know, and I'm starting to get a bit of a purple rash. AI5 starts in like 12 days, and there's only so much I can talk about with a 5-year-old (even though she's really cool and is totally down with me doing all my thinking with my wee wee).
Lisa - 2006-01-08 22:09:52
Hey, I was just thinking....we might possibly have some Olympic athletes to lust after in 2006 too!

*smiles thinking about Erin and I craving Hamm sandwiches back in the Summer of '04*
Kim - 2006-01-20 06:54:27
Oh man, how did I miss this? Must have been in Gatlinburg without access to a computer. Now I know why I love you so...we do love the same *boys*! Ian, John, Rafe, and that gorgeous hunk of Laguna Love, Stephen. You validate that I'm not totally crazy...just a wee bit boy crazy. Those are all fine specimens, but Stephen takes the cake for me. I was beginning to feel a bit like a "dirty old woman" the way I lusted after him. Now I realize I'm just a "horny old broad." I have to say it again though, check out Criss Angel. Speaking of pretty, skinny boys. Gorgeous! I think he even wears eyeliner. Ha!

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