
Pam - 2006-01-20 13:33:46
Hee! Erin, I'm gonna take your word on this Josh guy. All I get from his pic is that he's wearing a purse. Plus, he looks too much like one of my brothers. I'll see if I can find a pic.
Pam - 2006-01-20 13:57:48
Okay, Erin, here's a pic of my brother. Keep in mind that he wore his hair long (not a fro, but it's fairly curly) for many many years. Also keep in mind that he's like 40 years old now. Here he is from Christmas:

p.s. hope you don't mind me posting a pic instead of a link!
Erin - 2006-01-20 14:37:09
No, I don't mind! Hahahahaha, he does kind of look like your brother!
Robin - 2006-01-20 16:29:49
I see where they could all be cutie pies...but alas...I can't add another show to my schedule...I just can't...not, I mean, I CAN'T! Stop it...I said NO! OK, maybe.
Suzy - 2006-01-20 17:25:01
Gurrl, we are so alike it's scary. I love Josh's man purse! What could possibly be in it??? Maybe he has to carry those anti-anxiety meds around with him. Tyson is like a little fuzzy panda bear. And Karl, well, he's got to be the horniest of all of the Geeks. I guess he doesn't know how cool he really is. That toga runway show they insisted on doing was surreal. The Beauties' comments were hilarious. They were all "I'm a babe in a sheet, why aren't these boys sitting next to me?" (Pam, your brother looks like a lot of fun. Love that impish grin!)

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