
Kim - 2006-04-01 09:10:27
Rats, I couldn't get the video to work, but if it's Teddy's new one, I love it! (Everything but Kristen from LB, just 'cas I wish it were me). That young man is fine. I could do bad things to him. Fun, but bad. Thanks, Erin. My Saturday morning has started off nice and wet. (Sidenote: Does anyone remember when he auditioned for the role of Keith Partridge? Thank goodness he didn't make it!)
Suzy - 2006-04-05 18:22:04
YAY! I love that boy. And he's pretty boy #2!!! He's keeping me occupied while Clay is....ummm....whatever he's doing these days. Watching the Confidence video is really interesting (I can't believe he actually canonballed into the water) because they shot a whole episode of Love Monkey about the video for the song. It wasn't that one, BTW. I love the pool scene. Why can't things like that happen to me? Oh yeah, that gold ring I'm sporting. Ah well. I had my fun. ;^)
Suzy - 2006-04-06 14:00:15
I forgot to mention - Teddy is in Atlanta May 3rd at The Loft. You should go!
Danielle - 2006-04-07 12:51:25
LOVE HIM! Thanks for the recommendation, Erin, I've been looking for some new good music. This is my kind of pop singer! LOVE!
Kim - 2006-04-11 06:50:47
I'm baaaaack! For all you Teddy fans, go to and type in his name. One particular gem is the TRL clip. It's behind-the-scenes footage of the making of his new video. There's even some tongue action between him and Kristen. Plus.... he looks really good wet. Toodles.
Erin - 2006-04-11 11:18:21
Tongue action, what??? Thanks for the heads up Kim! *muah* And I miss your cute little ass.

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