
Wendy - 2006-05-02 11:37:40
Good for you!!
Robin - 2006-05-02 19:09:58
I sadly, am not surprised. I know I have lost "that lov'n feel'n", so I really shouldn't be allowed to comment...but he should be ashamed! I was a devoted (insane) fan for a long time and he left me high and dry. I don't feel as if I ran out on him but instead... feel like he left me AT THE ALTER! I was excited, I was in love...and he *poof* dissappeared on me. And then...he stayed gone for a long time... only to come back in a bad halloween costume...the one of the old, forgotten oldies singer. (I think he wore that last year too) He should have tried to woo me back. But noooooo! So...I think I need to find a new husband. And I hate that! But I love you! hahaha!

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