
Danielle - 2006-06-14 18:20:32
Damn, I love that picture of Clay. It's my absolute favorite.
pam - 2006-06-15 11:14:33
OMG, Erin, I have the hugest crush on Benji ever! I'm dying over here.

Then of course last night, I have to find out he's all religious and shit, and then intimating that he's a virgin, and how he's all about wanting to make a difference in the world, and all I really care about is that he's cute and funny and in need of a good sullying from a slightly older woman, and now you tell me that he's only 22 when I thought he was 25.....and in a couple of years he and I are both going to realize he's actually gay anyway which is totally cool coss it's not like I ever really had a shot at having sex with him but then I have to stop and ask myself:


*sigh* Because I love him.

I thought he was absolutely fabulous last night and I love him more more more than ever and I want to watch him all summer long.
Erin - 2006-06-15 11:51:03
Hahaha Pam! We are cursed to love these young goody-goody effiminate boys? But, the whole Mormon bit makes me want to defile him.

Okay I'm really too worked up. I need him on my tv the entire summer.
Suzy - 2006-06-15 16:54:26
I came over knowing that you'd have a photo of the Russian Clay boy, then I get slapped upside the head with that hawt photo of Clay himself. Are you trying to kill me? I really do forget what Clay can do to me sometimes. I'm not saying anything anywhere else about it....but oh yeah I'm watching SYTYCD religiously. Just practicing keeping my opinions on stuff I know nothing about to myself. Be happy. It's a good thing. Much love!
Suzy - 2006-06-16 12:04:45
OK, not watching that show anymore. Could Stanny have been more beautiful than when he was standing there with Ivan getting the bad news? Did you see him doing the twisty thing with his pert round ass during his solo?

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