
Danielle - 2006-08-02 07:13:24
Ok, Erin, that is a totally kick ass list. I am now hoping in earnest that some of them show up on the new album. I think Sister Christian would have to be my first choice. And you know - we just might see it on there!
Julie - 2006-08-06 22:54:05
Guess how many of those songs you've listed I've given to Clay in backstagey gift bags over the past couple years. Go on, guess. ;o)

I was really hoping at least one of them would make it on the album, just for my own little private EEEEEEE. But I got shafted, and not in a good way.

Suzy - 2006-08-18 12:26:04
That's funny - Father Figure and Sister Christian were tops on the list I made (in my head). Warm and naked, yeah!

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