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2005-06-09 - 5:05 p.m.

The Erbin Legend

This is my best friend Robin. We met Saturday, August 9, 2003 at the Philips Arena. One week later we where driving in her husband's truck to Memphis to see Clay Aiken from the front row! That weekend we discovered that we had so much in common, despite our age difference, and an amazing friendship was formed in those 36 hours together.

Over the past two years we've grown attached at the hip, thus the ER(in)(ro)BIN. I am so blessed to have Robin in my life. She is the kind of friend one dreams of having...supportive, hysterically funny, smart, creative, caring, and willing to kick anyone's ass who tries to cross me! Not only is she a great friend, but a wonderful wife and mother. And I want to be just like her when I (finally) grow up!

And because Robin clearly is better at expressing herself than I, I'm copying an email she sent me last summer to evidence what an amazing friend she is to me.

OK...so here goes............ I have often said that my life was never complete because I had not found THAT FRIEND! Oprah has Gail! ! Have you ever heard Oprah talk about her! It is like they were put on earth for each other! I wanted Gail! Well...not necessarily Gail...but A Gail. You are my kindred spirit. You are the WOMAN God put on this earth to comfort me and make me laugh and listen to me and share my moments. The moments that I can't share with Dave! The moments that I can't share with my mom or my sister. THOSE MOMENTS! And I am here for you! I love you! I mean TRULY love you! Not in a freaky way even, but in the most gentle, tender, sweet way I know how! The kind of love I save for my children. See it was either adopt you or have you as a Best Friend...and I really didn't want you calling me momma...ok, we won't go there! Really...You are her Erin Lee! Because you love me for all my bad...you know it, you see it, you live with it...and you still love me! AND because I love you! I love every aspect of you. I love that when I see you I light up. I actually feel giddy. Like I did when Dave & I started dating! I feel all comfy and cozy and excited....all at once! Now...this may sound like pure and utter shit to the laymen! The person who HAS no kindred spirit and I say FUCK 'EM! Sorry, but if they can't understand it...well, it is like NOT getting Clay Aiken! Soooo...tonight, when I was having spasms in my chest and trying hard to even breath...it really was because I was reaffirmed that God decided just a little late in my life, to give me you! You are a gift. A special, special gift. More special than a lick...more special than Waldo himself. Seriously. Jerry couldn't say it better, so I repeat, You complete me! And I know that our lives will be one that our kids and grandkids will talk about. They'll say how their mom's & grandma's were crazy! But that they sure were fun. And your kids will call me Auntie Robin and they will love me! And I will love them. And they may even start to look like me, but without the nose! hahahaha! Hell Nicholas Sparks may have to write a damn book about us. Or Fanny Flag... Fried Green Erbin! And I know that since we have this little age difference...you'll be around to make sure my funeral is a blast! (50 yrs from now of course) So...now that I have been sappy and all funny...I wonder...how will I ever be the friend to you that you are to me. What can I give you! And then I know...my love, my respect, my admiration and all the laughs I can shove into your pocket. And when that still isn't enough, I'll give you my kidney as well. Yes, that's right...you ever need a kidney...it is yours baby! I do love you Erin Lee. You make me happy! Today on the way to Phil's, I asked Max who his best friend was. He said, "why?". I told him I just wanted to know. He told me it was hard to answer. So I said, "Well, if you were stranded on a deserted island for 2 months, what friend would you want with you?". He said, "Well, that would be the person I could tolerate for 2 months...but that wouldn't necessarily be my BEST friend". In the end he named 2 different people. Then he said..."which 2 would you chose?". I looked at him and said that I only had one person....Erin Lee. I have to go blow now..........................


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Soundrack of my day: At work: Ray Charles; In the car: Gipsy Kings Live

Last night I...drove my dad's new bright yellow Chevrolet SSR.

Currently I'm reading: David Sedaris Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim.

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