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2005-12-30 - 5:40 p.m.

Clay and John Dreams

The week of Christmas I had two dreams. One about Clay. And the other about John Dahlstrom.

On Christmas Eve I dreamt that I won a contest to spend the day with Clay Aiken. Me and one guest of my choice would get to hang out with Clay for several hours that very next day. I had dental surgery scheduled in Indiana and had already purchased a plane ticket to fly there the next day. (???) So I had a minor moral crisis regarding whether I should cancel my dental surgery and eat the cost of my plane ticket to Indiana.

I decided that I couldn't pass up the Clay opportunity even though it scared the living hell out of me. See, the idea of "choosing someone alive or dead with whom you would like to have dinner" make me very nervous. I had to bring a guest because spending the day with Clay was not something I was prepared to take on alone. (In my wildest fantasies yes, but not the reality of some awkward day spent trying not to sound like a moron in front of Clay Aiken). Of course I immediately thought of Robin. She loves Clay and she's the funniest, most entertaining woman I know. She would be my perfect guest to take along, only problem was, she was working retail and it was Christmas, and she told me there was no way she could get off work. I panicked. Who would go with me? I thought of my old friend Glen with whom I've just become reacquainted thanks to the Official Fan Club. I thought he would enjoy it and would definitely not become fangirly. But then I realized I didn't have his phone number and for some reason it was like I had to immediately tell the contest people the name of my guest. It was all very stressful. I think in the end I had decided just to take my mom, but I was dreading the whole thing. Hee.

The day after Christmas I dreamt that I was in college and John Dahlstrom had transfered to my school. I was estatic. My friend, and fellow John Dahlstrom fan, Lisa was at college with me along with Melissa. All three of us could not believe our luck when we found out that John would be living in our dorm. Even though Melissa thinks John is nasty, I think she was excited for us and to take part in the stalking that was sure to follow. We ended up running into him in the quad and sat outside on a bench just chatting with him. He was very, very nice (just as he was when I met him in Charlotte last year). The dream ended with Clay coming to the school for a performance and the three of us girls (me, Lisa and Melissa) went with John. I woke up before the show even started, but it was still a marvelous dream.

2 comments so far

Soundtrack of my day: my head throbbing

Last night I....watched the movie Beauty Shop.

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