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2006-04-26 - 11:08 a.m.

Clay Aiken, I'm mad at you!

Well today Clay Aiken finally blogged at his "Official Fan Club" and told us all that his new album is going to mostly a bunch of covers, with a few new songs thrown in.

I can't adequately explain how disappointed and pissed I am.

I don't normally ever respond or comment to any of his blogs because I don't think he really reads them, or all 748 (the current number as I write this) of them. But this time I had to say something to him.

I think you've copped out and I'm really disappointed. I was looking forward to NEW Clay Aiken music.

You know Clay, not all of your fans are old and pining away for the yesteryear.

Admist the numerous praises, there were a few that felt like me.

Add me to the disappointed group. Not all of your fans are old fogeys. While I love the old songs, I think that it's a mistake that two of your first three CDs are of cover songs. When you listen to the crap on the radio today, I find it hard to believe you couldn't find any better songs. I'll buy the CD, but this is the end of my trying to convince other people to listen to your music. I'll still hold out hope for some originals, though.

I identify with this comment. I feel embarassed that this is what he's doing...I do have people in my life (co-workers, extended family, college friends) who have asked me, "What's Clay up to? He hasn't realeased a new album in forever." And I've been telling them that a new cd was on it's way, that there was buzz going around in the music industry and in particular the songwriting industry about getting new songs for the album.

From what Clay has told us there was lots of new material recorded...and in the year long process it took to choose which songs would go on the album, he apparently decided to scrap almost all of it and go back to his crutch of singing cover songs.

I wanted to see what he thought his new direction was...what type of music he thought suited him....I wanted to see Clay Aiken the visionary, not Clay Aiken the look back in time. This is a blow to his reputation as an artist...I guess he just wants to be a singer, a karaoke one at that.

Another fellow fan who feels the same:

sorry....... but this CD should have MORE new songs and a FEW oldies. I can see maybe wanting to put one or two covers, and that is what this concept is called, on a CD but to concentrate all your time and efforts on that and not try to make a niche for yourself.... of I guess you are ---- the cover king...... AI all over again... where's the growth????? Imagine if hard core fans feel this way what the rest of the world will say, especially those in the industry...... WOW, after all this time this is the news..... yeah, I love your voice but just do not get the song choices. Oh well, why am I not surprised. Just dont do a tour singing OLDIES again...... its been done before...

I honestly can't get as excited over this as I would for an album full of new music. I wanted him to be brave, step up to the plate, and put his stamp on music today.

It's hard for me to support someone who is moving backwards instead of forwards.

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