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2005-10-20 - 8:03 a.m.

A Blast from the Past

(And a special birthday shout-out to Robin and Wendy)

I had the most wonderful and unexpected thing happen to me! Just to prove how truly small this world is and how unbelivably amazing the Clay fandom is, I found someone at the Clay Aiken Official Fan Club (hereinafter "OFC") with whom I went to high school!

Late Monday night I logged on to the OFC to see if they had the things where you could register to win a meet and greet for the Christmas concerts up yet. I never ever look down at the list of names of everyone who is online, but tonight my friend Pam's name jumped out at me in orange. And then my good friend Kat's name was like 2 lines below hers. Then I saw this name that was darkened (meaning it is somebody who lives near me) below Katynka and it said "Glen Ramsey."

Glen Ramsey? WTF? The fact that it was a guy's name grabbed my attention and the fact that it was a guy in my area. But Glen Ramsey, I knew a Glen Ramsey! He was a year behind me in high school, but we had French together. And I absolutely adored the kid. He was funny and smart and loved to chat during class.

So I clicked on the guy's profile and saw that he was 29. Okay, this could definitely be him! But he lives like an hour away, so I wasn't so sure. He said that he is an active member of the Claymaniacs. I quickly skimmed over his blog at the OFC looking for any clue as to whether it may be him. At that moment, Nelle got online and I so started telling her about it. I was trying to figure out how to get in touch with him when Nelle suggested that I try emailing him through the OFC site. Duh, I had forgotten that is one of our many "perks" (and I say that with great sarcasm) at the OFC.

So I did and he emaied be back almost immediately. It was him!

This is seriously Twilight Zone kind of stuff. I mean I have not kept in touch with anyone from high school. I have seen a few here and there at church or out at a restaurant, but I've never spoken to any of them. The minute I graduated from high school, I was so over it. Well actually I was over it before it even finished. I was so sick of all my friends in high school that I purposely went to a college where no one I knew was going. I couldn't wait to get away from all of them and make a fresh start. And I've never looked back. I didn't even attend my 10 year high school reunion last summer.

So this blast from my past is really amusing. I'm just thankful it is someone from high school that I actually liked, what are the odds?

My love for Clay Aiken has brought me treasures of new friendships, but I would have never in a million years thought I would be reuinited with an old one! I'm just beyond overjoyed.

Feel free to share any funny stories about meeting up with old friends in the comments section!


Today is both Robin and Wendy's birthdays! I love you both so much, it's beyond anything reasonable or sane. *muah* *and just one lick for Robin*

7 comments so far

Soundtrack of my day: "Life on Mars" by Michelle Branch (originally by David Bowie) . I've just discovered this song.

Last night I...chatted with Kat, trying to figure out if Clay had a gerbil on his head in some old Clack

Currently reading: "The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing" by Melissa Bank

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